Many old games I’ve written while still in school can be downloaded here.
Quite recently I’ve written a small Wolf3D-clone. It’s called
SpaceSoldier3D (or Weltraumsoldat3D in German). It runs on Win32/Linux/OSX as well as on Android. It was later ported to C#/Kosu for an iOS release.
Removed from Google Play (Android) and Apple AppStore (iPad/iPodTouch/iPhone) due to issues with graphic display of violence…
Video link:

For more information about Steinkraft please visit this page or its official website.

Video link:

TinyWorld is my first Ludum Dare Entry. I used the theme as game name throughout development and now I’m too lazy to change that so I just called it Tiny World with my username as prefix.

Video link:

  • Left&Right for horizontal movement and Up/Space for jumping.
  • Escape to go back to world overview or quit game.
  • Return to enter selected world in world overview screen.

On Android tap on the left/right border of the screen to run left/right and tap both left&right borders at the same time for jumping. Press the back button on your device to return to the world overview.

Difficulty: Easy -> small inertia, no spikes. Normal, Hard, Impossible -> growing inertia, with spikes.

Download: Desktop,
iOS (iPhone/iPodTouch/iPad), (removed)
Windows Phone 7 (removed)

My Delta Engine Game Jam entry. Roughly 10 hours of work. Source code and assets can be obtained from the GitHub repository. Needs a bit of polishing until I’ll publish it on Google Play and the Apple AppStore.